
Friday, July 30, 2010

Feature Friday - Coach & Horses Pub

I wasn't the original builder on this project, I just made a few enhancements. As a venue the pub was simply too small. Originally the buildin in Sim, Mayfair to be exact, was an exact replica of the pub in real life. A bit triangular and very narrow, it didnt translate well in Second Life. The pub exterior has remained unchanged, we just made the building a little more square. It has become Mayfair top selling pub, and a popuklar hang out for residents from all walks of Second Life.

Tudor styling suggests the Coach & Horses harks back to Elizabeth I’s reign, yet the Bruton Street pub is only a few years older than our current queen, who was born only a few doors away at 17 Bruton Street. The ye olde England theme runs to wainscot panelling, dark beams, leaded glass and a quaint triangular bar.

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