
Friday, October 29, 2010

West End Construction Begins!

We've started construction on Mainland London's WEST END! Below are a few snapshots of the work in progress.

The view from London's West End into Mainland London Soho

The view from Mainland London Soho into London's West End. At the back is the proposed pub with flats above.

Looking into London Soho

The view from one of the proposed flats above the pub.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The WEST END district of Mainland London

We have added another quarter sim right next to and joining onto SOHO and have started the initial build of WEST END district.

Appreciation to all our patrons and commercial clients for your help in making MAINLAND LONDON grow quicker than we had ever anticipated!
Thank you Linden Lab for the assist!

More news soon.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Zombies Invade London!

After the strange appearance of ghostly figures in London Soho, we discovered a few more strange events have taken place. A disused guillotine appeared in the square and a crypt seemed to have worked its way out of the ground.

Upon closer inspection of the crypt we discovered it was open and no body could be found inside! Around 8pm UK tonight we began to hear eerie sounds coming from the area, distant moans and the sounds of scrapping, as if something was being dragged across the ground. But with the club opening in an hour we had to put these strange events aside and concentrate on the task at hand.

Shortley after 9pm UK, bar soho had opened and we were all having a great time. The atmosphere was broken as the sounds from the crypt began to get louder and louder. Then, without warning, the first of the Zombie began to appear! We armed ourselves and sat out to defend the district against the most unholy of undead. The initial battled lasted only a few minutes, but then wave upon wave of zombies began to emerge. We fought well into the night as people partied in bar soho, only mildly disturbed by the strange phenominon.

It doesn't appear the zombies will be going away anytime soon, so arm yourself and come have a good old fashioned shoot em up!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

London Soho Branded Items Now Available!

The London Soho branded items shown below hit the shelves today in our freebie store!

Originally created as limited edition items, demand for them has been so high that we have finally made them available to everyone.

The London Soho Tank Top features the Soho cherry on the front and the words "I lost my cherry in Soho" on the back.

The London Soho Shirt in black has the pink cherry on the breast and a prim collar turned up to give just the right attitude.

The London Soho shoulder pet is a sweet little cherry that rides happily on your shoulder.

The London Soho Fedora is a custom creation by Toritire Clothiers Soho District. This primmed fedora features the Regent Revuebar sign tucked neatly in the pink head band. This fedora can be worn with any hair style because it doesnt attach where your own hair does.

CLICK HERE to get your very own London Soho branded goods, free in the London Soho Underground.

Friday, October 22, 2010

London Soho Holiday Hunt Announced!

In the last few days we have been planning the first of many London Soho Hunts, our first is to celebrate the Christmas Season with the London Soho Holiday Hunt!

This hunt will bring together the designers and residents of Mainland London Soho is the spirit of the season. The hunt begins on November 7th and runs through Christmas so that everyone has a chance to take part in this first ever Soho event!

To be part of the Soho Holiday Hunt join us in Second Life by clicking HERE and then join our group, London Soho Entertainment.

We will update the blog as the hunt progresses.

Happy Holiday Hunting!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Inexplicable Happenings in Soho

Reports of inexplicable happenings, are beginning to emerge from the Mainland London Soho district in Second Life.

Each year, people flock to the area in the hopes of seeing the spectres from 1677, of Landlord Joseph Girle having an itense disagreement with shop keeper Richard Frith about an unreasonable rent increase.

This historic row took place at the top of a spiral staircase in Brewer Street, London Soho and resulted in Frith falling to his death having either sufferering from a heart attack, or from being pushed.

This macarbre scene is witnessed about every ten years and has been since it happened in 1677. It was last documented 12 years ago and is now overdue.

This blurry image of a possible apparition outside 10 Brewer Street in Mainland London Soho was sent to us by an anonymous source.

This could just be a cloud of polution. Or is it possible that Girle and Frith are getting ready to reenact this scene once again as the nation braces itself against another halloween.

Keep an eye on this area. All is not as it seems. The locals seem spooked and tight lipped. Perhaps they know more than they are willing to say.

Please continue to send your photographs. We will publish them and let the readers decide.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mainland LONDON SOHO makes Destination Guide

Mainland London Soho has made it into the Second Life Destination guide and we couldn't be happier! You'll find us listed in the Real Life section of the guide at

I was suprised to see us listed after just two weeks of being open, and traffic to the district is buzzing! We've met some really great people and the response has been nothing but positive. Everyone on the team has done an amazing job and I am so so pleased to be part of this brand new budding community.

Check us out in the destination guide, and if you have a Facebook account, be sure to "like" us!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Now that the flooding is under control and all the water has cleared out, we've turned the Soho Underground Station into a freebie store and new user experience.

We were unprepaired for the number of new users roaming the mainland so to intigrate them into our community we have added a free shop and some additional information to help them in their journey through Second Life. We've chosen the best of the best free items for men and woman and we've included some nifty gadgets as well!

Friday, October 8, 2010


It was another autumn morning in Soho when Tor and I arrived. As we walked closer to the Underground entrance we began to hear the rush of water. Curious we decended the steps only to find that the tube station had flooded in the night!

It's a good thing the trains are on strike as it seems it will take Thames Water several weeks to fix the broken pipe responsible for the disaster.

So until we can dry out the Soho tube station we'll just have to adjust our plans for the underground. Watch this page to see what we come up with!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Soho Underground

Construction begins on the Soho Underground Station

What ever shall we do with the underground?

Watch this page to find out!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Soho Opens!


Mainland London's first district, Soho opens today and to celebreate we're giving away this fantastic fedora, hand crafted and compliments of Toritire Clothiers Soho District! Come by the district any time today and get yours FREE!!!